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  • Writer's pictureSavannah Davis


Updated: Sep 12, 2021

Prior to beginning my studies regarding Dermatology for the Independent Study and Mentorship Program, I was primarily interested in general information such as treatments and common diagnoses. This week, I decided to acquire knowledge regarding dermatological drugs and the process of identifying the application. To acquire more information, I studied an article titled “Dermatological Drugs” which allowed me to learn the factors that enable effective transportation of treatment and the result of specific drugs. Within the article, I was able to discover possible topics for later research (EX: the difficulty behind treating hormones such as insulin topically). During this investigation, I was able to learn how to analyze important information by annotating and summarizing details that would aid in completing Research Assessment #1. For the duration of the course, I would like to improve on some personal aspects such as accountability, time management, and critical thinking. These are areas I have been struggling with recently as it has been difficult adjusting to the course-work and submission requirements. With this being said, I will overcome these challenges with perseverance and mindfulness. It is important to encounter obstacles as it teaches an individual how to properly adjust. I look forward to researching more about dermatological drugs and possibly how treatment options different for “pediatric” patients. It will be helpful to be knowledgeable about all of these details when going into future interviews with professionals and drafting ideas for the upcoming Original Work.


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