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  • Writer's pictureSavannah Davis

INTERVIEW WEEK (1/31/2022)

This past week, I was finally able to make more progress on securing interviews with professionals in the Dermatology field. I really enjoyed being able to discuss their perspectives and insight on certain topics (including procedures, a typical work-day, etc). To begin, I interviewed Peyton Harris via Zoom on Wednesday. She discussed how she was a part of the Independent Study and Mentorship program which was extremely interesting to me. Furthermore, she describes her job being a medical assistant to a Dermatologist. Harris primarily does documentation work and consults with patients on their reasoning for visiting the office. To continue, I also interviewed Beth Palazzetti who works as a PA at South Lake Dermatology on Friday. She was very helpful in understanding the schooling side of becoming a PA. In addition to this, she offered her wisdom regarding how to be successful in Dermatology. With these interviews completed, I feel a lot more knowledgeable and comfortable with my speaking/professional skills. Furthermore, I plan on asking Mrs. Palazzetti to consider being my mentor. I really feel like she will aid in the creative process of my Final Work and benefit me in many other ways. With COVID restrictions, this may not be a possibility but I am hopeful.


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