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  • Writer's pictureSavannah Davis


For the Independent Study and Mentorship course requirements, I was able to attend the Business Symposium. While attending this event, I was granted the opportunity to learn from a variety of professionals in different career paths. These professionals gave the Independent Study and Mentorship students advice such as characteristics employers look for, interview tips, resume suggestions, etc. My favorite part of the event was being able to converse with Independent Study and Mentorship program alumni. At the Business Symposium, three past students offered insight on how their studies have transferred into their professional careers. In addition, they gave us advice on how to struggle less in the course as the requirements are rigorous. Lastly, they mentioned how important maintaining the relationship with your mentor is (because their connections are extremely broad and the mentor may be able to provide contacts for you in the future). This week, I also decided to do some further research on dermatological smartphone applications as this is the subject I will pursue further for my Original Work. With this being said I researched an article located on PubMed titled “A Smartphone Application to Improve the Precision of Biopsy Site Identification: A Proof-of-Concept Study.” Collectively, this data was helpful as it discussed the technical aspects behind creating the application (methods and study design) and a vast amount of statistical data proving the validity/accuracy regarding how the resource reduces the amount of inaccurate biopsy site identifications made by medical professionals.


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